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My entire life has been about being an artist. 


My career has taken me from being an art director and illustrator to being an art teacher, a sculptor, and to having my own jewelry company, and since 2000, I have been one of the top wardrobe consultants for the largest woman’s wear direct sales company in the country.


After the ending of a quarter-century marriage, I felt defeated and hopeless and unable to hold onto any of the positive knowledge I had accumulated over the years.  Through that experience I realized that at some point in our lives, we all feel that we are “not enough.” We are not thin enough, young enough, tall enough, smart enough, or rich enough.


Those thoughts! They erode at our self-esteem, and stop us from taking any actions for our highest good.


We must remind ourselves of the messages that are the affirmations that can make our dreams come true and allow us to live up to our highest potential.


This realization, born from daily spiritual reflection, resulted in It’s an Inside Job.


Each garment is printed with a positive self-affirmation on the inside to affect your energy all day. IT"S AN INSIDE JOB 


My mission is to combine consciousness, comfort, and affirmation.


We use only the highest quality American-made fabrics, manufactured in Los Angeles.


Marilyn and her daughter Amanda,
who is the model for It's An Inside Job

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